Plumbing Africa January 2018 | Page 74

“ W H EN I N EED TO K N OW . . . I K N O W W HER E TO G O” “Yes, I have grown up from that young child you are used to, playing with plastic toys. As a publishing house, IMD has increased in the range and number of media we produce across eight different industry groups. As a result, our resources now allow us to be the complete source of all you need to know about the Water industry. There’s no need to look any further. We leave no stone unturned to bring you the most reliable, accurate, relevant, up to date information. If we don’t have it, most likely it does not exist yet. Available in all multi-media platforms.” WWW.PLUMBINGAFRICA.CO.ZA ISSN 1812 - 1705 October 2017 Vol 23 No 8 Conveyance of water and waste R76.00 incl. VAT per issue C I V I L Cover story – F I R E Intensive care: The private Dr SK Matseke Memorial Hospital - G A S – Environment and energy Water reuse and resources: availability and quality M E C H A N I C A L Technical Dead legs in water reticulation – P L U M B I N G Official journal of the Institute of Plumbing SA TE STIM ONIAL I have been an avid reader of the Plumbing Africa magazine for many many years. About a year back I was shown the first copy ever published. It's really amazing to see how this publication has grown since then, in content, style and quality. The Plumbing Africa team do an outstanding job month after month, year after year. As a plumbing contractor I look forward to the endless supply of information and news featured every month. Keep up the great work. Dean Cane, Operations Manager , Modern Plumbing Works (Pty) Ltd RELEVANT MEDIA FROM: [email protected][email protected] January 2018 Volume 23 I Number 11 When measurement matters