Plumbing Africa February 2019 | Page 32

30 HEALTH AND SANITATION Rainwater harvesting models This is the latest in our series on rainwater harvesting. This month we look at models for calculating various aspects of rainwater harvesting to create the perfect system. By Water Research Commission A number of scholars have developed RWH models through the years: Jenkins and Pearson (1978) developed the yield after spillage (YAS) and yield before spillage (YBS) release rules; Dixon (1999) developed a daily time-step model that simulates tank size, water quality, quantity, and cost of the RWH system; Van der Zaag (2000) developed a spreadsheet-based model which calculates storage capacity when daily water use and roof area are known; Roebuck and Ashley (2007) developed an Excel-based mass balance transfer model that predicts future financial and hydraulic performance of RWH systems. Ndiritu et al. (2011) developed a daily time-step simulation of household water supply and a frequency analysis of the resulting number of days that the household gets supply for every year of the analysis; Raimondi and Becciu (2014) developed a model which uses analytical probabilistic approaches to the modelling of rainwater tanks. As previously alluded, the storage tank greatly affects the initial capital cost and the volume of the rainwater Table 5.2: Existing RWH models, their developers, spatial and temporal resolutions, as well as their availability collected because it is the most expensive component of a RWH system. Proper tank sizing is therefore important in order to avoid extra costs incurred when the tank is over sized and for avoiding low efficiency when it is under sized (Ghisi, 2010). It is a daunting task to review all existing RWH models. Thus, while a number of models presented in the literature are listed (Table 5.2), only those that were accessed are discussed in more detail. Roof Roof is a spreadsheet-based water balance model that calculates storage capacity when daily water use and roof area are known; the model requires a complete series of daily rainfall data for at least three consecutive years. Roof uses the following water balance equation: dV dt=Q r +Q t -Q abs -Q 0 Equation 5.5 Where: V = volume of water stored in the tank [m 3 ], Q = roof run-off into the tank [m 3 d -1 ], QT = additional inflow into the tank [m 3 d -1 ], Q abs = water abstracted from the tank [m 3 d -1 ], Q o = Overflow from the tank [m 3 d -1 ], and t = time [day]. With roof run-off equal to: Q r = P × A r × c r Equation 5.6 Where: P = precipitation (m d -1 ), A r = roof area (m 2 ), and c r = roof run-off coefficient. The model produces a storage capacity graph which provides guidance in selecting the best tank size for a given geographical area. The relative storage capacity graph consists of the relative water consumption (RWC) expressed in mm water layer per day on the horizontal axis, and the relative development of resource guidelines for rainwater harvesting storage capacity (RSC) expressed in mm water layer on the vertical axis. The model is based on the following equations: RWC=QA Equation 5.7 RSC=SA Equation 5.8 Where: RWC = relative water consumption [mm d -1 ], RSC = relative storage capacity [mm], Q = daily water consumption February 2019 Volume 24 I Number 12