Plumbing Africa August 2018 | Page 55

HEALTH AND SANITATION 53 How would you promote IWSH projects? “Water is the driving force of all nature.” Commonly attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, this quote tells us about the importance of water in our lives. By Raymond Rowell Reyes All living organisms on Earth depend on water for growth and survival, and almost all biological processes within the body are made possible through the astounding properties of water. Indeed, clean water and sanitation are vital to a person’s well-being; the quality of access to clean water remains a useful metric for determining the quality of life in a country. an impactful community for promoting proper water and sanitation practices within the industry. Its advocacies are aligned with a UN Millennium Goal of ensuring environmental sustainability. I was particularly inspired by their plumbing initiatives in impoverished communities such as those in India and Nepal; projects that helped secure safe access to water to the people within these communities. As I live in a developing country, there is still a need in our nation to improve the water and sanitation systems within it. Access to water and its quality strongly depends on where you live — highly urbanised cities often have reliable running tap water, and the toilets are usually kept clean and sanitised by government systems or private institutions. This led me to think about what actions I could do to further support the cause that is spearheaded by this foundation. If I were given the opportunity to promote this organisation, I would do it in two parts — first by creating a social media campaign about the foundation and the issues regarding water and sanitation, and secondly, by starting a fundraiser that would hopefully spread awareness about the foundation. For both of these, the slogan that I would use is “WATer you waiting for? Join the cause.” This slogan would hopefully pique the interest of individuals and encourage them to participate in these activities. However, once you reach the provinces and other rural areas, clean, filtered water becomes more scarce, with most locals procuring water from a centralised tap, or from natural bodies of water such as lakes and rivers. Throughout the whole country, citizens are usually discouraged from drinking from the tap, as the plumbing and sanitation systems here are taken with a grain of salt. Fortunately, a number of organisations work to address these water-related issues. The International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation (IWSH) represents For my social media campaign, I would primarily target the youth, such as those belonging in the age bracket of 8 to 18, as it is important that these individuals, who are in their formative ages, should be aware of the problems that are present in the water and sanitation industry. Thus, in the future, they might be Russ Chaney In the spirit of the sharing of unique experiences that shape the plumbing industries in our respective nations, the following essay was awarded second place in IAPMO’s annual Scholarship Essay Competition. First introduced in 2009 and open to all high school, university, and trade school students, the competition has elicited entries from across the world. Written by Raymond Rowell Reyes of New York University, it is the next in a regular series of similar articles that will run in this magazine. Continued on page 55 >> A ugust 2018 Volume 24 I Number 6