Plenty Sport : EZINE 21 Dance SPORT | Page 3

1 ISSUE № 21, APRIL 2016 “The Sport of Dance Sport” body of Dance Sport. The outcome is that many dance organizations have changed their titles to incorporate the word sport. This recognition gives the WDSF, potentially, a unique status. Despite recognition, Dance Sport has not yet been included as an official event at the Olympics but the desire for such by the fraternity remains alive. International competitions are mainly two categories In issue number 11 we featured Dance of dances, Ballroom (also called Stand- in general. With the rapid growth in the inter- ard or Modern) and Latin. In the Ball- est of the discipline we now share a little room dances, men typically wear evening more specific to Dance Sport. The name is allowed than in the Standard dances. Cho- dress (coattails, waistcoats and white bow Dance Sport was created to help competitive reography is now extremely important as ties), while women wear gowns. Partners ballroom dancing gain Olympic Recogni- there is no obligation to move in any pre-set remain in closed position throughout the tion. After a long campaign In September manner round the floor.The National Ball- dance, and movements tend to be elegant and 1997, the International Olympic Committee room Dance Association of Trinidad and To- sweeping. The ballroom dances are progres- (IOC) recognized the International Dance bago (NABDATT) is the local body respon- sive, moving anti-clockwise round the floor. Sport Federation (IDSF) as the sole repre- sible for Dance Sport in T&T but it should The Latin dances, such as the Samba and the sentative body for dance sport. The IDSF also be noted that many other associations Paso Doble, are more overtly sensual, with now called the World Dance Sport Federa- exists .to further the cause. skimpy costumes for women and tight-fitting tion (WDSF) is the international governing ones for men. More variation in movement Cover Photo by Gemme De Fue 1-868-620-8567