Plenty Sport : EZINE 18 Scrabble | Page 10

Popular Movies with Scrabble Word Wars Sneakers This movie peeps into an extreme level One has to pay attention for the scrab- of the subculture of scrabble. It follows 4 ble scene in this flick. Robert Redford competitive Scrabble players through leads an all-star cast in Sneakers, a the months leading up to the 2002 Na- cryptography thriller with espionage and tional Scrabble Championship in San betrayal. Included in the story line is a Diego, whose winner takes home former CIA employee (Sidney Poitier), a $25,000. The 4 eccentrics vary in per- gadgets wizard (Dan Aykroyd), a young sonalities but prove useful characters of genius (River Phoenix) and a blind interests where they rely not only on soundman (David Strathairn), who are mediation but on brain-boosting supple- routinely hired to test security systems. ments and smart drugs to sharpen their Government betrayal on a covert mis- skills. The documentary follows these sion is the basis for the plot that follows. men through tournaments, private com- The action settles around a device with petitions and family gatherings as they the capability to decode all existing en- discuss Scrabble and its challenges cryption systems around the world, such as what words are valid. where all sides will kill for possession. Scrabylon Scrabylon is an award-winning documentary on the world of tournament Scrabble®. Shot during the World Scrabble® Championships in Las Vegas, Scrabylon features players as they demonstrate the obsessive and competitive nature of the widely played game. In this film you realise that there are professional players in Joe Edley, the Zen Scrabble master and only 3-time National Scrabble® Champ; Brian Cappelletto, an options trader and the first Scrabble® prodigy and Robin Pollock Daniel, the highest-rated woman on the Scrabble scene. SnowCake Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver are the odd couple in this drama where Rickman is an ex-con just released from prison. (