Playtimes HK Magazine October 2017 Issue | Page 40

The notion of “ working Mama ” has always been a polarizing topic , but even more so if you are the one that is living the dilemma . Whether you are returning to work out of choice , or not , it is a difficult , emotional and practical challenge that is sprinkled with inner conflicts , selfinduced guilt and judgement . Add to that the outside scrutiny , mostly from other Mamas , and it adds up to a lot of pressure . So how do you navigate back into the working world after you have your baby ?

How do I make it work ?
Let ’ s just consider something for a moment . Does society scrutinise men who return to work ? Not generally . So why does it happen to women ? Historically women managed their households ; today many still do , but now we are supposed to do everything else as well . The idea of “ Superwoman ” who can have it all and do it all is probably one of the worst ideals to try to live up to as a new mother . Not only is it unrealistic , but also unfair .
So how can you juggle it all ? Here are my tried and tested strategies to help you navigate back into the work world without totally losing your mind .
My tried and tested strategies
• There will never be a “ right ” time . Just like the decision when to have a baby , for most , there will never be an ideal time to return to work . Set yourself a realistic time frame , mentally and physically prepare and proceed . If it really doesn ’ t feel right , and you have the flexibility , then shift it . Chances are that you will never feel completely “ ready ,” so try to pick a time and stick to it .
• Create an evening routine . Work out a feed , bath , sleep , dream feed routine within a few weeks after giving birth . It will help you work towards alleviating the ongoing demands at the end of the day when you are most exhausted .
Catch up on lost sleep . Being sleep deprived is something that every parent has to deal with . No matter how well a routine is established , surprises like growth spurts , teething etc can play havoc with your sleep . On the days it all goes pear shaped , try to make up for it by having an early night or grabbing naps where and when you can .
• Feed your mind , body , and soul . You ’ ve got a big job to do and you ’ re going to need fuel to do it .
Proper nutrition is key to keeping your energy levels up . So eat strategically at every meal by choosing wisely and packing in the vitamins and nutrients . Steer clear of energy zapping , sugary , quick fixes by having healthy snacks pre-made and on hand .
• Choose your support . Surround yourself with those who believe in what you ’ re doing and support your decisions . It can be family , friends , co-workers etc . You will have enough
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