Playtimes HK Magazine October 2017 Issue | Page 24


Learning Styles

Visual , auditory or kinesthetic – which learning style does your child favour ? Mya Newland highlights strategies to help your child study

During the 1970s , individualised and student-centered learning theories began to surface due to increased research in the field of educational psychology . In 1983 , the developmental psychologist Howard Gardner devised the theory of multiple intelligences . Gardner ’ s research found that when learning tasks are matched with a student ’ s learning style or intelligence they show higher levels of engagement , greater levels of motivation and achieve more academically . Gardner identified eight separate intelligences that each person possesses : musical rhythmic , visual-spatial , verbal-linguistic , logicalmathematical , bodily-kinesthetic , interpersonal , intrapersonal , and naturalistic .

There is much debate about the pedagogy of learning styles , including the argument that some complex concepts require more than one type of delivery for understanding . Although the theory of learning styles and multiple intelligences may have some limitations , it can be a useful approach for parents who are seeking ways to help their child learn .
This article provides strategies relating to three main learning styles : visual , auditory and kinesthetic . Think of these ideas and strategies as tools , or a bag of ‘ goodies ’ to pick and choose from during teachable moments at home . After all , understanding how a child learns can provide a better experience for all . “ By using the senses , parents can help setup an environment conducive to learning , an environment where an unhappy task can become fun and fulfilling ,” says Priscilla J . Dunstan , author of Child Sense . Parents can involve their children by asking them to choose which activities appeal to them .
Visual learners
Visual Learners are often gifted with a strong imagination and an interest in art . They benefit from seeing information on a chalkboard or in an illustration and may grow impatient listening for long periods of time . Telling these learners how to do something may not make sense to them at all – they need to also see it . Allow them the freedom to tidy up before they sit down , and be patient when each assignment needs to be redone because it doesn ’ t look neat enough .
Strategies for visual learners include :
• Using flash cards
• Studying charts , tables , and maps
• Drawing illustrations , remembering visual details , doodling while listening
• Having paper and pens handy
• Writing things down and reviewing notes
• Highlighting and underlining
• Colour‐coding information
Auditory learners
Auditory learners show aptitude in music . They are typically good at absorbing information from spoken words . Auditory learners may look like they are not paying attention when you talk to them , but their listening skills are more developed than their visual skills .
Strategies that work well for auditory learners include :
• Paraphrasing what they are learning
• Reading important information aloud , perhaps recording it and playing it back
• Reading a book and listening to the audio book at the same time
• Using word associations
• Putting information into a tune and singing it to help remember it
• Limiting distracting noises
Kinesthetic learners
Kinesthetic learners are physical and often show aptitude in sport . They prefer to be active while studying and may not be able to focus while sitting still . The more traditional visual or auditory learning styles just don ’ t work for them , they benefit from creative expressions of their ideas .
Strategies for kinesthetic learners include :
• Reading aloud and tracking words on a page with a finger
• Writing things down multiple times to commit them to memory
• Highlighting and underlining
• Playing with a stress ball or toy while studying
• Moving around or taking frequent breaks , standing writing , role playing
• Doing hands‐on activities , such as building models or playing games
• Allow moving around while listening or talking
• Tactile things to touch in order to learn about them .
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