Play Channel Magazine volume 5 | Page 56

NM: You have used several local actors multiple times on different projects, many of whom I have worked with as well. Is there a comfort zone in having something like a Clint Eastwood stable of actors who like working with you?

DW: You know somebody’s work, you know they’re dependable, you know they’re good. There’s no point in going elsewhere to find that. Well, in Walther, we used about a hundred people, really everyone we could find in St. Louis. Vickie Doerr has been in as many of my projects as anyone – three or four things of mine. Portia Secor is another one, as is Karen Palmer. Laura Singleton, too, as well as CJ Reed and Steve Roma. Charly Kelly, Charles Heuvelmann, Kelly Werner, Daniel Irwin, there’s quite a few and I’m sure I’m forgetting some. Sorry! William Conklin I would use again in a heartbeat. You, too, Neil.