Planning, Building & Development | Page 96

potentially eligible clients to HUD or the State of Illinois Department for Human Rights so that they may file a housing discrimination complaint. The County’s investment of CDBG funds in both SER Jobs for Progress, Inc. (2004 to 2011) and Prairie State Legal Services (2011 to present) has accommodated direct legal services and/or referrals (handling discrimination complaints and/or tenantlandlord disputes) for hundreds of Lake County residents. In quarterly reports, PSLS has provided the following observations from its legal services and referrals work:  “Of the legally protected classifications, the protected category of “disability” continues to be the one that sees the greatest number of victims of possible (housing) discrimination.” Examples of challenges faced by clients with disabilities include: o Denial of entry into housing due to a disability o Denial of a request for reasonable accommodation or modification, such as a request for a support animal o Unfair/different terms and conditions because of the person’s disability o Failure to engage in discussion with a person requesting an accommodation o Threat of lease termination, voucher termination, or eviction over a request for reasonable accommodation  “…callers believed they faced discrimination on the basis of familial status.”  PSLS also assisted clients who felt they were being discriminated against based on race, national origin, order of status protection (for victims of domestic violence), sexual orientation, and gender.  Many landlords fail to return security deposits. Some of the issues repeatedly raised by complainants, as reported by PSLS in their quarterly reports, include:  Lack of affordable housing  Inability to find housing due to criminal records  Sexual harassment by a housing provider  Foreclosure, or rights of tenants in a foreclosed property  Habitability issues; e.g., mold, bed bugs, landlord’s failure to maintain appliances or windows  Landlords’ failure to return security deposits  Landlords’ failure to provide quiet enjoyment  Landlords’ failure to provide accounting /balance disputes  Fear of retaliation by a landlord if the tenant seeks to enforce their rights 94 APPLIED REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS, INC. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS