Planning, Building & Development | Page 5

ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY The study is organized into nine sections: I. Introduction. II. Overview of Lake County provides contextual information on the County, government organization, and grant programs. III. Demographics provides a detailed discussion of the population of each of the protected classes as well as discussions of Lake County’s rental and for-sale housing markets, employment, and transportation. IV. Fair Housing Policies and Procedures highlights Lake County’s current policies related to fair housing and the monitoring of funding recipients’ fair housing activities. V. Fair Housing Programs, Activities, and Outreach describes steps currently being taken by the County and other organizations to further the goals of fair housing. VI. Fair Housing Complaints analyzes data on housing discrimination complaints submitted to the State of Illinois and HUD. VII. Fair Housing Surveys analyzes the results of three fair housing surveys conducted by Applied Real Estate Analysis. VIII. Findings/Identified Impediments and Recommended Actions lists and describes the identified impediments to fair housing choice as well as the recommended actions the County should take to overcome the impediments. IX. Implementation provides narrative on the timeline for implementing the various actions recommended for overcoming identified impediments. Appendices contain supplementary text and details on the public comment period. 3 APPLIED REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS, INC. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS