Planning, Building & Development | Page 166

Housing and Community Development Commission Minutes Report - Draft September 23, 2014 housing. Ms. Rivkin offered her agency’s assistance with the County’s fair housing testing. Ms. Mary Ellen Tamasy, Executive Director of Lake County Residential Development Corporation (LCRDC), spoke of Lake County’s leadership position in developing affordable housing. Ms. Tamasy has encountered obstacles to providing housing options, especially in the development of rental housing for families. Many of the County’s municipalities have zoning laws that can prevent or create difficulties in developing rental housing, thereby limiting the majority of rental units to five or six communities. She agreed with the Coalition’s suggestion that the County review the UDO to ensure that it does not place any impediments to the creation of housing choice within the unincorporated areas, thereby encouraging the municipalities to follow its example and remove any barriers they might impose to fair housing choice. A motion was made by Commissioner Venturi, seconded by Commissioner Rosenthal, to close the public hearing on the AI at 4:32 p.m. The motion was approved by all members. 6.3 14-0958 Public Hearing on Fifth Amendment to 2013 Action Plan Ms. Gingiss presented an overview of the four changes incorporated within the Fifth Amendment to the 2013 Annual Action Plan, as detailed within the agenda packet. The first two changes stipulated that the Cities of Waukegan and North Chicago would like to sub-grant their PY2013 HOME funds, usually used for homeowner rehabilitation projects, to non-profit affordable housing developers. Waukegan would sub-grant its funds to Habitat for Humanity, while North Chicago would sub-grant its funds to LCRDC, as part of the North Chicago Strategic Revitalization Program. The third change would involve the switching of locations between the HOME-funded Glenkirk CILA rehabilitation house with the agency’s Lake County Affordable Housing Program-funded (LCAHP) house, in order to avoid any possible problems with HUD’s rules on facilities versus group homes. As a result of HOME absorbing a more costly Glenkirk rehabilitation, Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) will have its HOME funds reduced to cover the difference. Ms. Gingiss said that CPAH’s reduced HOME funding will be offset by a proposed increase in LCAHP funding during Item #6.5. A motion was made by Commissioner Venturi, seconded by Vice-Chairman Pedersen, to open the public hearing on the Fifth Amendment to the 2013 Annual Action Plan at 4:39 p.m. The motion was approved by all members. Ms. Julie Donovan, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, thanked the HCDC and the City of Waukegan for continued support of affordable housing and of Habitat. She said that the funds would really make a difference to the community, providing permanent affordable housing for at least five families. A motion was made by Commissioner Venturi, seconded by Commissioner Hart, to close Lake County Illinois Page 4 of 7