Planning, Building & Development | Page 157

approves all plats of subdivision in unincorporated areas of Lake County, and design and platting may be completed in two stages: preliminary and final plat approval. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) may be approved in all zoning districts, with the exception of agricultural, open space, and rural estate districts. The flexibility afforded by PUDs allows base zoning district dimensional standards to be adjusted, as well as alternation of landscape and internal site design parameters. PUD provisions “are intended to encourage innovative land planning and site design that achieve a high level of environmental protection, energy efficiency, aesthetics, high-quality development and other county goals.” Affordable housing may be established via the PUD process, as the PUD mechanism is intended, in the case of residential or mixed-use projects, to result in “greater choice in the type of environment and living units available to the public.” PUDs are approved in two stages: preliminary and final approval. After staff review of the preliminary plan, the document is acted upon by the Zoning Board of Appeals; Planning, Building and Zoning Committee; and County Board. When final approval is obtained, the document is acted upon by the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee alone. PUBLIC COMMENT DRAFT 155 APPLIED REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS, INC. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS