PKSOI/GLOBAL TRENDS CASE STUDIES After the Fall of North Korea | Page 8

Case Study # 0617-03 PKSOI TRENDS GLOBAL CASE STUDY SERIES ■ Develop short- and long-term timelines and milestones to achieve infrastructure reconstruction. ■ How does the UN Transitional Authority locate appropriate North Koreans to work on economic stabilization and infrastructure rebuilding? ■ Can/should former North Korean soldiers and policemen be reintegrated by rebuilding the North’s infrastructure? Can they be trained quickly in construction and be paid all the while? Who will pay? ■ Can North Korean IDPs and refugees be put to work building the IDP/refugee camps and clearing roads and rebuilding bridges, etc.? How will they be paid and where will they turn to buy food and other necessities? (Can local markets be quickly reestablished? How?) ■ Should the UN Transitional Authority begin planning, for example, for agri-business development teams or con- struction or mining companies to play a role? Who would let the tenders for rebuilding airports and roads? What other immediate and longer-term contracting quagmires exist? Links to websites for further details: Country Dashboard,%20North Country Watch BBC CRS North Korea: U.S. Relations, Nuclear Diplomacy, and Internal Situation R41259.html