Pinteleh Gala Journal - Feb 25th, 2018 Final Pinteleh Journal | Page 58

To our the Third Floor Morah’s Chana, Shaina, Chedva, Etty, Rivkah, Feigie, Chani and Chaya With outpouring love from your students (and their parents) We offer list rental, printing and direct mail services. 118 Louisiana Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11207 718-257-3500 118 Louisiana Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11207 718-257-3500 We love you Morah Shaina, Morah Chana & Morah Chedva! Love Rosie Eckhaus and Family Dear Gavi, We are so proud of you! We admire the enthusiasm, love, and dedication that shines through everything you do. Hashem should give you the strength to continue your holy work! We love you, Mom & Dad, Shmuli, Sarah, Chana Batya, Divi & Menachie, Daniel, Sheina & Mushkale, Rosie, Sergei, Yehuda & Emuna, Leah, Alter, Miriam, Aron, Levi, Dovi, and Aunt Beryl. 118 Lo Brook 718-2 www