Pinteleh Gala Journal - Feb 25th, 2018 Final Pinteleh Journal | Page 13

in action, and even more so that they internalize the fundamentals and foundations of Judaism, with faith in the living G-d. This means to inculcate in them the recognition that G-d is not found in some faraway place outside the borders of America, and from time to time we wire Him on the telephone -- or, as it is today, even through a wireless connection -- and after a half hour conversation the connection ends, and G-d remains up in the “seventh heaven” while they remain in the United States of America. The task of the Yeshivah is to uproot this attitude, to make them aware that such an attitude endangers one’s very life -- not just spiritual life, but even physical life -- operating as if one could exist in this country and in this very place without G-d! It is self-understood that it is impossible to build walls or a roof before establishing a foundation. Once there’s a firm foundation, the more one adds in building the walls and roof, floor after floor, the better! But if there’s no foundation, or if the foundation is shaky, its only logical that the weight of even one additional story could bring the entire structure down... This being the case, it is simple and obvious that when one accepts a student, one accepts the responsibility to “build” them -- to ingnite the Jewish spark deep within their soul... The Rebbe, Toras Menachem vol. 13, 10 Shevat 5715, pp.228-229