PINNACLE March 2016 | Page 18

Kick Back and Relax

Spring’s right here, but many of us can’t enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers while freaking out over next week’s test. All of us need to calm down, to go with the flow. While it isn’t best to just let yourself fail that upcoming quiz, you should still make time to center yourself. Being so stressed out (Wishing we could turn back time) is not only bad for your health, but it can affect the rest of your life, too. With other thoughts clouding your head, it isn’t hard to get distracted and overwhelmed. So, I present to you, top ten ways to clear your mind!

Read a good book. It isn’t hard to imagine that reading is extremely relaxing. Many of us read before sleeping. Though, this can also take you out of your body for a while. You can let yourself become Percy Jackson and fight monsters, or you can help defeat the rising Dark Lord as Harry Potter. Whatever it is, let it take you away from all the stresses of this world; but only for a few hours! Don’t get too lost in that fictional world.

Take a walk. Walking is simple, everyone knows that. But the continuous rhythm of your feet will help calm you down. Besides, a change of scenery is always relaxing. While nature walks are preferred, taking a nice stroll in the city can be pretty cool, too. Make sure to stay safe, though. Take a friend, or maybe a trusty umbrella.

Drive. We aren’t talking about Halsey’s song, so don’t get too excited. However, if you’re old enough to sit behind the wheel and just roll down the windows for a while (legally, we mean), then you should. Blast your favorite song, sing loud enough for people walking by to hear, and let the road take you somewhere new.

Listen to some music. Whether it’s twenty one pilots, One Direction, Woe, Is Me, or something completely different, listening to some cool tunes is always fun. Lay back and listen, or dance around your room in your underwear. Whatever you do, just let your hair down and have some fun!

Listen to the rain. Who doesn’t love rain storms? The splatter of water against your roof; the drops trickling down your windows; what’s not to love? Close your eyes and let your stressors slide down your window with the rain.