Pickleball Magazine 3-4 Courtesy of Pickleball Guru | Page 57

Friendship and Fun. “To us, that’s what makes pickleball special and we try to weave that into everything we do,” he adds, emphasizing the social side of the sport. Equipping yourself with Amaz- in’ Aces gear, your paddle, pickleball backpack, or paddle cover will have designs that are more fun and inter- esting than traditional gear. The beginners niche has been paying off in spades for Amazin’ Aces. “Our growth has been incredible since we started three years ago,” Paul notes, “and I don’t see it slowing down as pickleball becomes more and more known. Pickleball is an amazing sport. It’ll keep growing and we’ll grow along with it.” For more information on Amazin’ Aces including the full line of pickleball paddles and accessories, go to AmazinAces.com. Be sure ZERO ZERO SAVE! SAVE 15% ON ANY AMAZIN’ ACES PRODUCT W W W. A M A Z I N AC E S .C O M A M A ZIN ’ PA D D L E S. A M A ZIN ’ P RI C E S. USE CODE USAPAMAG AT CHECKOUT to sign up for the newsletter—new members are entered into a monthly giveaway for Amazin’ Aces products. You can also find its products on Amazon.com, and the company is on Facebook @ AmazinAcesPickleball. • AMAZIN’ PADDLES. AMAZIN’ PRICES. AMAZIN’ NEWSLETTER. JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER FOR GREAT PERKS! MONTHLY GIVEAWAY SPECIAL DISCOUNTS PICKLEBALL EBOOK JOIN US! SIGN UP AT: W W W. A M A ZIN ACE S.COM JULY/AUGUST 2018 | MAGAZINE 55