Pickleball Magazine 1-2 | Page 28

Solving the LINE JUDGE Problem? BY A.J. FRATIES W hen you think about running a pickleball tournament, there are, of course, many positives. Camaraderie. Competition. Raising money for your club. Working with friends toward a common goal. Big fun in the sun. Check, check, and more checks. Your thinking is correct – all good! SOFTWARE Unfortunately, if you then think about all the “issues” (e.g. the work, organization, publicity, sponsors), you are right about all of those too. Thankfully, over time, people have developed technology, tools, and processes to address some of the issues. For example, there have been struggles running the registration and tournament desk, but now there is reliable software to address much of your registration, sign‑in, bracketing, and scheduling problems. Many solutions are evolving. 26 TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 724.942.0940 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM