Philippine Retailing Newsletter 2016 | Page 8

President & COO Avanza , Inc . ( A loyalty and CRM co .) yayu . javier @ avanza . ph
She was also the 2014 Philippine Marketing Association President . Avanza was the first to win in Asia-Pacific the 2012 Colloquy International Awardee in the U . S . A . for Innovation in Financial Services , for its client , Banco De Oro . It has also won the 2015 Philippine Advertising National Association ’ s PANATA Marketing Effective Awards Gold Winner for Marketing Effectiveness Winner for Internal Programs .

Customer Experience is the New Customer Marketing

( Part II )
In the last article , the customer experience framework was presented showing 4 major steps in the experience . Continuing the discussion , the three next steps are explained below .
2 . RE-BUY
Assuming the whole buying experience is good , repeat purchase touch points must push the customers to keep coming back . Loyalty Programs are one of the most effective ways to track , retain and analyze customer behaviors . The data derived from the customer ’ s purchases provide an in-depth analysis of customer segments and shopping movements across different products , geos , and seasonality .
Campaign Triggers are very important in reminding customers of the values a store or brand can provide . These triggers have to be timely and relevant and must be based on data it can derive from the customer ’ s transactions or loyalty program . Triggers can be designed by timing of purchase such as paydays , seasonality , slow week days and even slow times of the day .
1 . BUY
The third major touch point focuses on the conversion of the customer to buy the product . If you want to achieve a seamless experience from Search to Buy , an e-commerce or m-commerce may be established to lessen the gaps of the selling the process .
The E-commerce channels are now diversified not just by using online shopping sites but also through tweets , and cross channel experience with mobile apps . Domino ’ s Pizza , for example has used Tweets for their customer to order . The objective of which is to provide a convenient way to order their Pizza without having to leave their offices or homes .
Customers are still the best endorsers and that is the reason why many shoppers now check on blogs before buying anything . Making your customers your own sales people is the most cost effective and efficient way to promote your store .
It is important to provide the channel and venue for customers to voice out their positive feedback but more importantly , reward them also for their feedback . Fan pages and Facebook pages have become the new medium to recognize the best customers and rewarding them . Badges and even social points , which can be exchanged for rewards , have become one of the most common ways to induce positive feedback .
One new method is also making your customers participate in your own community services . This not only enhances the image of the brand but also provides more support for your inclusive growth . Today , more and more companies are looking at ways on how to support sustainable development goals and achieve growth within the communities they are in . Starbucks for instance supports farmers in helping them produce coffee that will benefit them and the communities . During the Election Day itself , Starbucks encouraged voting by giving a buy-one , get-one on specific drinks for those who voted .
At the store , the experience starts from the moment one enters the door where a security guard may provide a pleasant or unwelcoming experience . The whole process of ordering , queuing , getting the order , and all other aspects of the process must be well management , timed , and seamless to provide a delightful customer experience .
Some companies like Nordstrom has equipped its frontliners to have a tablet and allow checking of inventory as well as self-check outs . Many supermarkets in other countries are already providing selfcheckouts so the shoppers can swiftly go in and out of the stores . Even Starwood hotels have provided self check-ins through mobile keyless applications allowing hotel guests to check in using the mobile and being provided a Bluetooth-enabled key , thus bypassing the check-in counter .
Customer experience is all about building the brand image through various customers journey points . It is not just about a one-time purchase or one-time promo but rather a continuous relationship and experiences with the brand at all touch points . Today , more and more customers are patronizing brands that provide them with not just a good product but also a good experience with the brand .
It ’ s all about inspiring your customers . For more queries , email me at yayu . javier @ avanza . ph