Phalaenopsis Journal Third Quarter 21(1), 2011 | Page 12

The petals should be broad and flat, filling in the gap between the sepals as illustrated above. The markings should be pleasing, when present. The lip should be distinctively marked or colored and either in contrast or in harmony with the color of the remainder of the flower. The lip form will vary according to variety and breeding, but look for a pleasing presentation so that its color and position are readily seen. Substance is the thickness and firmness of the tissue in the flow- ers. Photographs will not help here. You will have to touch the flow- er. The substance should be equal to or greater than the average of the parents. A high degree of substance is now standard through polyploid forms. Texture is the surface qualities of a flower which enhance appear- ance. The texture should be described as sparkling, crystalline, vel- vety or waxy. The size of the flower should be equal to or greater than the geo- metric mean of the size of the parents. What is the meaning of “geo- metric mean”, and how is it figured? Is it the same as the “arithmetic mean” or average? The arithmetic mean answers the question, “If all the quantities had the same value, what would that value have to be in order to achieve the same total“? = Arithmetic Mean The flower color should be definite and clear. 12 2011 Third Quarter, Vol. 21(1) - Phalaenopsis