Phalaenopsis Journal 22(3&4) Fourth Quarter 2012 | Page 7

3 . Rinse with clean water — sterile is ideal . Some growers add hormones , nutrients and antiseptic to it , but I prefer to keep it to just clean water unless the flask has been opened and I observe signs of contamination of the plants . In this case , I give an antifungal and antibacterial rinse . 4 . Dry the plants on tissue paper under a fan . Old newspaper also serve this purpose . Aim to clean all agar residue from the plants as agar can act as media for fungus and prove detrimental to the seedlings . Dry them so that there are no water droplets on them before they are potted . 5 . Seedlings are planted in pre-soaked media . I use sphagnum moss and squeeze it to remove all the water possible . 6 . I use a tray with serrations and put a layer of polystyrene chips ( peanuts ) first and then layer moss on top of it . 7 . Use sphagnum moss to cover about 30 % of the roots and keep the stem slightly away from the moss in the community tray . 8 . Some growers segregate the larger and smaller seedling and plant them separately . 9 . Fill the aquarium with 1-inch of water as the water modulates the fluctuation of temperature and keeps humidity high . 10 . Ensure that the trays have built-in stands or put them on stands so that the plants are at a higher level away from water . 11 . Switch the fan on to keep the air circulating . 12 . Place the tray in the aquarium and cover it with the transparent sheet for 24 hours or so . 13 . Keep watch on the humidity inside and the temperature . 14 . Use a light meter to keep the light around 1000 foot-candles . 15 . The seedlings roots will turn green after some time after absorbing moisture . 16 . Ensure that no water is on the leaf or crown of the seedlings . Ensure that Figure 7 . Trays . the roots turn white in about 12 hours . The fan comes in handy here . 17 . Manage temperature variation . If it gets too cold outside , use a heater like one used in an aquarium . If it gets too warm , put some ice into the water and keep the airflow high . 18 . During the first week , aim for 80 % or higher humidity and mist the plants in the morning if needed .
Figure 5 . The Humidity chamber with trays .
Figure 6 . The thermometer and hygrometer in place .
19 . After first week , you can add some dilute fertilizers , misting a couple of days per week . 20 . Schedule your misting depending on how soon the roots turn white and the moss looks dry . 21 . From the second week onwards , let the humidity drop for a few hours . This can be achieved by folding the cover from the side to allow more airflow from outside . 22 . Allow the humidity to dip to 60 % for an hour or so each day for the next week . 23 . Keep on increasing the time you allow the humidity to drop each week . 24 . Watch for changes both positive and negative . 25 . If you see new roots develop , you are on the mark . 26 . If there are signs of root rot or leaf rot , increase airflow and treat with a mixture of antifungal and antibacterial spray . 27 . By six weeks time , you will be confident that the plants are healthy and acclimatized enough to put outside . 28 . Ideally , avoid extreme weather conditions when you bring your plants outside . 29 . Put the plants out when the humidity is the maximum in the atmosphere . 30 . Plant the seedlings individually in 2-inches pots with appropriate media . 31 . Mist twice a day for the next 15 days or so . Avoid over watering ; orchids love moisture in the air and not on the roots . 30 . You are on track . Have patience . If you lose some seedlings , don ’ t get too disheartened . This is the price you pay to acquire a new knowledge . I wish you all the best .
Dr . Devapratim Mohanty is a periodontist from Cuttack , Odisha , India . He has been growing orchids for five years and loves growing Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis .
He ventured into growing Phalaenopsis as their big leaves and the beautiful sprays mesmerized him . His fascination for species was an extension of this passion . Dr . Mohanty states , “ Guess I have this bug in me which likes to take up challenges and overcome them ; deflasking orchids was one of those . Nothing gives more pleasure than seeing the luxuriant growth of seedlings in my greenhouse .”
Phalaenopsis - Fourth Quarter , Vol . 22 ( 3 & 4 ) 2012 7