PFTSTA Veni, Vidi, Scripsi | Page 29


Lindsey Moffett

Dear Leaders of Saudi Arabia,

I’m sure that the Saudi Arabian women are very grateful for all the recent rights that were granted to them, like being able to vote or even run for office. What freedom! I mean…they still must get their male guardian’s permission to drive them to the voting booth or you know literally anywhere else. But progress is progress...right? Only the rest of the world allows women to drive, but what do they know! You know what, you are right. It shouldn’t be legal for women to drive. They should be at home cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, grocery shopping-oh wait. That would require them to drive to the store, so I guess you will have to make your own sandwiches…. But I know what you’re thinking…women have legs so walking would obviously be a valid mode of transportation for them. They probably need the work-out anyway, since all they do is housework. Or possibly you agree with Mr. Saad al-Lohaidan, a judicial advisor, who once stated these wise words, “If a woman drives a car, not out of pure necessity, medical studies show that it automatically affects the ovaries and pushes the pelvis upwards. That is why we find those who regularly drive have children with clinical problems of varying degrees.” This man is so intelligent; he knows that men must protect the most valuable part of a woman…her ovaries! Driving is CLEARLY too dangerous for women and their impending children.

So, male leaders of Saudi Arabia, what I am trying to say is… thank you. For giving women permission to have a purpose in life, getting them exercise, and protecting their ovaries. Thank you.

Sincerely, your, soon to be, fellow driver,

A woman.