M A I L discovered the right combination of graphics, illustration and words. Once again, great job editing Petigree. Wishing you success in your future endeavors! Regards, Ven Coriolis Thank you for the kind words Ven. Its readers like you that motivate us to do better every time. Keep reading PETIGREE. – Editor Not too long ago I came to know about your magazine, Petigree. Being an avid lover of cats, I decided to go and purchase a copy of the same. I must say that for a new magazine, Petigree is amazingly good! The design and the range of articles is quite good. I liked the column about Ginger especially. It would appear that a cat itself has written its heart out to the readers! The magazine design and formatting is done quite well. Somehow, I believe you have Dear Editor, I love your magazine. I am glad a good magazine catering to pet owners has finally come out. It gets difficult to put the magazine down without going through it from cover to cover. I am impressed. Looking forward to more inf ormative articles. Kimia D. SOPHIA DENNIS I got a copy of Petigree recently and I came here just to say that it looks great! Keep it up!