Petale de lumina Revista Peteale de lumina nr 19 b pentru net | Page 36

Colour Codes Find your way through the maze by finding the missing words. Move one square at a time.You can move left 1 My best friend swears she’s related to the Queen .She thinks she’s got _________ blood. ← ,right → , or down ↓ . 8 I really wasn’t expecting your letter.It came out of the___________ . 9 We don’t talk to my cousin any more.She’s He’s so shy.When a girl spoke to him on the the ___________ sheep of the family. bus yesterday he went as__________ as a beetroot. 10 I hardly ever see Drita – maybe once in a ____________ moon 3 You can shout at him until you’re __________in the face but you’ll never get 11 When I walked into the changing-room him to tidy up his room. Ursa was going through your sports bag looking for money. I caught her_______ 4 Is it right to eat meat? I don’t know.It isn’t handed. a black and white issue.There are lots of ____________ areas. 12 My gran loves using the Internet. She’s a 5 Why didn’t she come out with us yesterday? __________ surfer. She said she was going to stay home and Have an early night but I don’t believe her. I 13 My uncle’s a wonderful gardener. He’s got Think she was telling us a _________lie. ___________ fingers. 2 6 He’s got a fantastic new DVD player. I’m ___________ with envy. 7 The test was really difficult. I think that There were a few trick questions. Some of Them definitely looked like__________ herrings. 14 That printer I bought last year is useless Now. They’ve stopped selling the ribbons it needs, so it’s become a complete __________ elephant. I might as well throw it away. 15 Marcella was tickled_______when the President remembered her name. 36 34