Petale de lumina Revista Petale de lumina nr. 18 | Page 30

Would you believe it? 1.Complete the facts with the words or numbers in the box. 70 100.000 eye 10 million 150 1 elephant six colours iceberg 800,000 1. There are more than __________bricks in the Empire State Building 2. A jellyfish is 95% water. 3. The____________________is the only mammal that can’t jump. 4. Dolphins sleep with one eye open. 5. An____________’s eye is larger than its brain. 6. Humans have seven bones in their neck. Giraffes have 21. 7. Your heart beats over_________________times a day. 8.In a year a preson’s heart beats 40 million times. 9.A sneeze travels out of your mouth at__________km/h 10.Japan has an average of 1000 noticeable earthquakes every year. 11.An estimated 80% of animal life on earth has ________ legs 12.A man’s beard contains up to 15,000 hairs. 13.The average _____________ weighs 20,000,000 tons. 14,Bamboo (the tallest grass in the world)can grow up to 90 cm in a day. 15. The human __________ can distinguish about 17,000 __________. 16. There are more than 15,000 different kinds of rice. 17. In 1933, the cartoon character Mickey Mouse recived ______ fan letters. 18. It would take 7 billion particles of fog to fill a teaspoon 19. About ________% of the earth is covered with water. Only _______% is drinkable. 20. The average woman uses nearly three kilos of lipstick in her lifetime. 21. One of these facts is false. Which do you think is it? Andreea Demir, class VII A 28