PERREAULT Magazine January 2014 | Page 39


the art of perception

From the perspective of the Buddhist Way of Being, living in the Present Moment while embracing the movement and impermanence of Life, is the path to Joy and Celebration. This ancient Wisdom comes from the knowing that all attachment, to what is moving away from us, is the cause of all Human struggle and suffering. How beautiful one’s life can be, if striving were absent from the equation and replaced with Thriving. The attachment to results, outcome or expectations sets you up for emotional distress, a feeling of powerlessness and vulnerability, all which lead to compromised mental and physical health.

Bruce Lipton Ph.D., renowned stem cell biologist, best-selling author, leading authority on how emotions can regulate the expression of our DNA, has through scientific studies, proven that Your Perceptions Control Your Biology. This research, which moves us out of victimhood and into mastery, established one of today’s most important fields of study, The Science of Epigenetics.

We live in a world of duality, up/down, left/right, hot/cold, male/female, which allows us to have Perception. The contrast provides two points of reference. The one you focus on becomes your Experience. Your Experience creates your Reality. Therefore, when you shift your Perception it changes your Reality which has a direct effect on your Biology.

Albert Einstein believed we are “Vibrational Beings living in a Vibrational Universe. Our world as we experience it, is actually a world of Frequency.” And Nikola Tesla, world recognized Electrical Engineer, Physycist, and Futurist has stated:

"If you wish to understand

the Universe,

think Energy, Frequency



Our thoughts and perceptions translate into Vibrational Frequencies.

The expression of our DNA is primarily determined by these frequencies generated and based on the way we view ourselves, our thoughts and beliefs as well as our environment. This includes everything we choose to put into our bodies.

It is important at this stage to understand that Vibrational Frequency is other than positive/negative or good/ bad. It is simply measured in density of lows and highs.

We are active players who create a path to our own wellness and who have a powerful impact on how we experience our lives. Through the day-to-day choices we make one can direct the expression of their genes away from disease, imbalance and surviving and direct them towards Wellness, Harmony and Thriving.

The key is to shift your focus away from the ego-mind's idea that we have control of the outcome and simply view and experience what is “Happening” from another perception.

The perspective and corresponding liberating feelings one experiences coming from Heart Centeredness, is completely different than the “Stephen King Thriller” created by the greatest story teller of all time, the Hans Christen Anderson of the body, the ego-mind. It is a master in creating thoughts and linear stories that are perceived as conflict, fear of separation or the losing of what you believe will Fulfill you.

The unfolding of the story will always be what’s

“ Happening.” However, the way we perceive the events is completely relative to your focus at that time.

the flow

of life

When you focus through the eyes of the Heart, rather than the minds eye, your view is one from Divinity and your perception is one of Trusting that all is for your Higher purpose. Therefore, you shift to a higher frequency and detach from the lower vibration associated from the separation of Trust and the fear based story generated by the ego-mind that disrupts your Harmony and Alignment to the flow of life.

Perreault Magazine / January, 2014 39