PERREAULT Magazine January 2014 | Page 19

BP: The depth and precision you have as a photographer are qualities opposite of what ‘liquid’ is, all fluid, no precision. How do you combine depth, precision and liquids?

TB: I always draw on paper the image I want to create prior to a shoot. I then use the adequate high speed photographic equipment to capture what I've envisioned. It allows me to create abstract shapes, fluid moments with precision. My Motto is "Always be prepared for the unexpected.

Art travels at 1/12,000/sec"

BP: What inspired you to create ‘Liquids’?

TB: I've spent all my summers in Italy swimming, waterskiing in the Adriatic sea, since I was 4 years old. It was meant to be...

BP: I have heard that a ‘great’ photographer is one who ‘waits’, waiting for the right moment, as opposed to taking 300 photos. You obviously have that quality. What happens while you wait? And is it intuitive or is it about technique?

TB: Technique and knowledge is the key to quality and precision. You need then to forget about it ALL, wait and just use your instinct. Always push the boundaries to create the perfect accident.

BP: Everything evolves, everything changes. How do you see your photography evolving?

TB: My left eye will dictate what's next...

Perreault Magazine / January, 2014 19