PERREAULT Magazine December 2014 | Page 71

Taking Echinacea increases levels of chemicals that activate the part of immune system responsible for increasing defense mechanisms against virus and bacteria.

Drink plenty of water. It helps to eliminate the toxins from your body.

Get plenty of rest and sleep. Your body heals and repairs itself during sleep and rest.

Start taking Oscillococcinum, - a homeopathic medication from Boiron proven to shorten the duration and the severity of the flu – used widely in Europe. It will decrease the symptoms and the duration of the illness.

Cold Calm Remedy, a homeopathic medication from Boiron, decreases the symptoms and their severity and duration.

Drink Green tea. Studies have shown antiviral and antibacterial properties of Green tea.

Garlic raw or cooked or garlic supplements. It is nature’s most efficient antibiotic and will increase immunity.

Ginger in the form of tea or soaked in hot water is another natural antiviral.

Goldenseal is antiseptic and immune stimulating.

Elderberry is a strong remedy for colds and flu. It is a natural anti-viral agent.

Gargle twice daily with warm salt water (may also use Listerine but it is drying). Influenza virus replicates in the nasopharynx and washing the throat and nose with salt water decreases the viral load.

Nasal saline rinses or cleaning nostrils with salt water twice daily. Blowing the nose or using Q-tips soaked in warm salt water to clean nostrils.

Use Chestal, a homeopathic medicine by Boiron for cough.

Continue with the rest of the flu plan as mentioned below.

If your symptoms last more than 5 days and they are not improving or if you feel worsening of the symptoms you should seek the advice of your physicians. Sometimes the body gets weak as it is fighting a viral infection and a bacterial infection can start or co-exist with the viral illness. If any signs or symptoms of bacterial infections start, which are usually yellow-green nasal discharge or cough with yellow green phlem you should visit your physician for prescription of antibiotics.

Continued on page 72

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