PERREAULT Magazine APRIL 2014 | Page 71

Perreault Magazine - 72 -

CHAKRA-Biology articles address the existence of the energy centers in our body by linking a parallels to the major organ systems and the psyche. These articles bring to your attention the energetic dimension of the human being and the portals that connect us to the universe around us.


Aryans had a vast knowledge of Astrology, Alchemy, Cosmology and the natural sciences and as they migrated and invaded India these philosophies were introduced to the part of India now known as Punjab, where they settled. Number seven is a major theme in the persian spiritual teachings, mythology, and Alchemy. In certain scripture after ascending and surpassing the 7th heaven we can see God and be at the same rank and position of God.

In Sanskrit Chakra translates to a wheel, disc, or turning. Chakras are thought to be whirling energy centers in the body which connect the centers in the physical body to interact with the energy bodies and the universe around us.

I came across the chakra system in the first year of medical school. One of my interests was to delve into the New Age section of the bookstores to balance my scientific mind with consciousness. I noticed that there is a correlation between the location of the major chakras and the nervous system. Later, I noticed that the endocrine system’s major glands are in the same location as the chakras. Coincidence? How could it be that the two major systems of our body which manage everything from our breathing, heart rate, energy, digestion, to the way every single cell in our body functions, lie in the planes as the chakras? And more importantly, with their limited knowledge of the physiology how did they know more than 2500 years ago about the functions of these physiological organs?

Obviously, there were no imaging or laboratory studies to explain these. So, my task was in front of me: Is there a correlation between what they considered each chakra does and what I know today as a medical student? This became the basis of much research for me and today as a family physician I use what I have put together from the correlations of the chakra system and human physiology to address my patients’ issues.

In the course of these articles I will be explaining the chakra system as it correlates with our health physically, physiologically, and psycho-emotionally.

CHAKRA-Biology articles address the existence of the energy centers in our body by linking a parallels to the major organ systems and the psyche. These articles bring to your attention the energetic dimension of the human being and the portals

that connect us

to the universe around us.


To raise awareness about the interconnectedness of human physique,

physiology, and psyche.

To show the convergence of the physical and energetic aspects of human being.

To demonstrate the scientific proof behind the existence of energy centers in our body, chakras.

To explain chakras and their attributes and their role in our experience of life.
