PERREAULT Magazine APRIL 2014 | Page 66

Consider ways your body and mind could improve that will give you a lifetime of health and longevity. Where are you, at this point in your life? What can you do on a consistent and gradual basis that will be healthy and sustainable for the rest of your life? Your training will take on a different tone and the chances of it becoming a good habit will increase exponentially. Training your body and mind, rather than "just working out", will change from doing a workout routine to creating on-going enhancement and continual improvement of your life. This healthy mindset will grow into a habit as natural as eating and breathing. Just as the mind is a part of the body and the two cannot be separated, properly training your mind will also properly train your body.

Find ways to gradually start improvements towards a healthy body and mind for rest of your life.

Where do I start?

“Begin at the beginning," the King said. ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Just like Alice in a crazy wonderland, many of us are confronted by a myriad of confusing options. Rather than looking for the latest workout fad that may not fit your individual needs, ask yourself where you are in your life right now and what would be the best way to start training. If you are still not sure, start by walking. Walking with a friend or a loved one is an amazing activity that warms up your body, readying it for the next level of training.

5 Simple Strategies to Start Living Healthily:

- Eat a least one large salad per day. TIP: If you keep only healthy, flavorful foods in your home, when you are tempted to eat, you will only be

eating healthy foods. TIP: Go shopping when you are not hungry - it will help you steer clear of buying the foods that are unhealthy.

- Walk half a mile to one mile after you eat a meal. This will tremendously help with your digestion and begin the process of getting you in shape. Walking is one of the best ways to get healthy.

- Drink at least 3/4 to 1 gallon of purified water per day. By drinking this amount of water, it can burn up to 400 calories per day. TIP: Eliminate soft drinks from your diet.

- For those having trouble with finances, buy a video at a garage sale or find an exercise program you like on the Internet. Join a walking club, dance to your favorite music or just get up and start moving your body. TIP: Your body needs to sweat at least 1 hour, 4 to 5 days a week though exercise (Not sweating in the sauna! You can always sit in the sauna after you exercise.)

- Pick one day a week and make it your day of eating your favorite dish. Whether you like pizza or pancakes, treat yourself to an indulgence, one day per week. Life is short, and yes, you should treat yourself.

Earning a living is a vitally important part of life. However, if you feel sick, tired and lacking energy, perhaps it is time to invest in yourself by building an energetic and vibrantly full and fulfilling life. Forget about "just working out" and discover (or re-discover!) an activity you enjoy and begin to train your body and mind. This should become part of your lifestyle and not "just” be a workout. Proper training of body and mind makes you feel happier and more vibrant, leading to an increased positive outlook, improved self-image, return of youthful energy and so much more.

Find what works for you, and “just” go out and do it. The first 20 - 30 days are always the most challenging, but it gets much easier and you will be on your way to achieve a wonderful Quality of Life.

If you need more info or are looking for a healthy training program, see my previous articles here on Perreault Magazine and also check out my website for helpful ideas and more information.

*US Department Of Labor

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