PERREAULT Magazine APR | MAY 2015 | Page 27

Perreault Magazine - 27 -

Only about 10 percent of the ocean has been seen, let alone explored. DOER’s three-person Explorer sub will provide access in depths to 1000 meters. The 11,000-meter Deep Search vehicle, with a glass personnel sphere, will be able to explore the full range of depth with unprecedented visibility – and capability. Remotely operated vehicles, instruments and underwater “drones” are essential tools for exploring, understanding and caring for the ocean, but there is no substitute for being there.


What would you like to say to our readers, and how can they get involved?


Look in the mirror, consider your talents, and think about how you might use them to make a difference. Some have artistic skills, others are good with numbers or have a way with words. Everyone has power to make a difference as an individual – or by joining the company of others who share a common goal. The key is in knowing that what you do matters, including doing nothing!

The Global Partnership for Oceans

The Global Partnership for Oceans is a growing alliance of governments, international organizations, civil society groups, and private sector interests committed to addressing the threats to the health, productivity and resilience of the world's oceans.