Periódico Casco Antiguo News EDICIÓN 25 · 2018 | Page 7

ENTREVISTA EDICIÓN 25 · 2018 El Casco conserva poco de su arquitectura colonial española, ya que, producto de los diferen- tes fuegos ocurridos en la ciudad, se perdieron algunos edificios y otros quedaron en estado ruinoso, reutilizándose sus restos con la su- perposición de un nuevo estilo ar- quitectónico, motivo por el cual no se tiene la prevalencia de la arqui- tectura colonial española, pero lo realizado conjugó diferentes estilos arquitectónicos que conforman un conjunto diferente, aunado a su de- sarrollo histórico, y lo hicieron me- recedor de incluirlo dentro de la lis- ta de patrimonio de la humanidad. ¿Qué modelo de desarrollo se debe poner en práctica para lo- grar la sostenibilidad del país en el tema patrimonial? Una explotación turística con- trolada que respete sus valores y características, como lo realizado por otros países. O n C asco ’ s H istoric H eritage The restoration of the historic heritage of Casco Antiguo continues to be one of the main concerns in this sector of the capital city. The cultural aspect plays an important role in the recovery of the country’s identity to be passed on future generations. S ebastián Paniza Paredes is an architecture profes- sional who knows about conservation and restoration of historical heritage. He doesn’t for- get a single detail; he makes clear his position and concern about the various changes that the heritage has been suffering over the years, which has generated debates and differences between the government sector and members of private sec- tor guilds. For Paniza Paredes, technical aspects and experience must be combined with greater economic support and, in this way, be more focused in order to achieve the re- covery of buildings and places that keep in their interior all Panama’s cultural heritage. What is the current reality of historical heritage? In our Magna Carta, that is, the Political Constitution of the Repub- lic of Panama, our historical patri- mony is said to form a constituent part of the cultural patrimony of the nation. As we can understand, it is up to the State to provide the neces- sary means for its protection, both legal and economic. That is how the corresponding laws have been pro- moted for its protection. However, the economic support needed for its rescue and maintenance is al- most inexistent, thus propitiating its is no prevalence of Spanish colonial architecture. However, what was done com- bined different architectural styles that made up a different set, coupled with its historical development, and made it worthy of including it in the list of World Heritage Site. What development mod- el should be put into practice to achieve the country’s sustainability in the heritage issue? A controlled tourist exploitation that respects its values and charac- teristics, as what has been done by other countries. abandonment and destruction. Safeguarding those elements re- quires specialized technical prepara- tion and acquired experience in order to have a correct criterion in the appli- cation of the corresponding measures. What are your expectations con- sidering the opportunities and chal- lenges regarding the conservation of monuments? If we really care about these tes- timonies of our history and identity, we as a community must be vigilant so that the corresponding laws are ap- plied and the values of the same are maintained, without political aspects being interposed. For example, a pub- lic or private work cannot be made by destroying part of the heritage, nor can a monument be adapted with sound systems that are detrimental to it and can cause its destruction. I insist, we must all respect the corre- sponding norms and laws: communi- ty, investors, and government. Casco Antiguo is a landmark for colonial architecture. What do you think should be done to preserve it and take advantage of its potential? Casco Antiguo conserves little of its Spanish colonial architecture, since, as a result of the different fires that occurred in the city, some build- ings were ravaged and others were left in a dilapidated state, reusing their re- mains with the superposition of a new architectural style, which is why there 7