Periódico Casco Antiguo News EDICIÓN 20 · ENERO 2018 | Page 10

ENTREVISTA PA N A M Á great potential, at that time it looked more like a little Havana. What I like about Casco is that I know everybody in here, my neighbors, workers, and other citizens. The worst part about living here is that someti- mes visits and work meetings are really difficult due to its location. - How have businesses been here during this year? Why? 2017 was consolidating. Recently-opened businesses prevailed, their products were refined and defined, and they continued operating. Others, on the contrary, were out of the picture, maybe because of not well-defined proposals and products, bad location, and so on. Today we’re living on more competitive markets: there are, for example, more than 80 culinary proposals. Competitiveness demands increasing the levels in service, quality, customer service, prices, location, decoration, mu- sic, atmosphere, etc. - Some say you are kind of a prophet, especially in soccer. What do you see for 2018 for Casco Antiguo? - 2018 will be excellent. La Casa de la Municipalidad, el Palacio Muni- cipal, el Teatro Nacional are being restored, and parkings are being fixed. Also, there are a lot of governmental projects going on. As for the private sector, an all-time classic comes back, Espacios Panamá, in Santa Ana. It’s like the art district, where the nightlife, the artistic, and bohemian side of the city converge. So, Casco makes its best so that Santa Ana, El Chorrillo y Barraza districts develop. This year in Casco many hotels, banks, and both national and internatio- nal proposals will open. So we believe is going to be an extremely positive year. It already has started its engines: a French franchise -Paul-, has just ope- ned its doors. Popping projects like Esa Flaca Rica burger house will come to Casco as well as the Casa Bruja brewery. Also, a lot of entrepreneurs are making huge efforts to release new and better products. There’s a new beer –San Felipe-. La Rana Dorada opened a new venue. We keep on with the new trends. Casco is always a trend, it happens here before it happens in the city. That’s why we love it so much. If you’re interested in starting a new business or promoting the one you have in any of our media, Mapas de Panamá, Casco Antiguo News or Casco Card, feel free to contact us for more info. We also want you to be successful! 10