Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano/Routes into the History of Roviano Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano May 2017 | Page 61

Hai scritto la storia … dei trattati avremo memoria Uomini coraggiosi dell ’ Italia hai reso orgogliosi
Giulia Di Fabio , II C
You With Dante On your trip You have visited Every soul in the deepest Hell Living through everlasting pain and infinite sorrow You have soared high beyond Purgatory and Paradise and Have seen God ’ s radiant face You have written down the historical records , we will keep track of all treaties Through the centuries , you have made brave Italian men proud

Hai scritto la storia … dei trattati avremo memoria Uomini coraggiosi dell ’ Italia hai reso orgogliosi

Giulia Di Fabio , II C


You With Dante On your trip You have visited Every soul in the deepest Hell Living through everlasting pain and infinite sorrow You have soared high beyond Purgatory and Paradise and Have seen God ’ s radiant face You have written down the historical records , we will keep track of all treaties Through the centuries , you have made brave Italian men proud