Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano/Routes into the History of Roviano Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano May 2017 | Page 51

The rooms of home and family life, and hemp In the middle of the room devoted to family life there is a hearth, surrounded by a great range of objects: “pignatte,” irons, bed-warmers and coal, all used by women, spinatore, utensils used to make bread. A small space displays objects for personal hygiene: basins, jugs and a reconstruction of the way women used to do the laundry along the river banks. Particularly beautiful is the engraved chest on display, where they used to store the flour for bread making. The room dedicated to hemp and textiles has been associated with the domestic environment, partly because these things were used exclusively by women. The finished objects include rolls of hemp, dish towels, a nightshirt, a wedding dress, while the tools used to separate and work this fibre are wooden hemp separators, spindles, a loom, wool winders. Il canestro per il bucato Il canestro per il bucato conteneva la biancheria da lavare, ed era coperto con un telo di lino bianco. Di mattina, si toglievano i vestiti dal canestro e si portavano in riva al fiume per essere 50