Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano/Routes into the History of Roviano Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano May 2017 | Page 41

Tiburtina Valeria, built between the IV and the III centuries b. C., along one of the sheep grazing routes of old, were very important routes to transport farming produce to the Capital and the surrounding areas. Today it is possible to follow natural routes of great beauty along the Tiburtina Valeria road. The objects on display are connected to two fundamental moments in a shepherd’s life: guarding the flock and processing milk and wool. The objects that most represent shepherding are: the shepherd’s stool, used during the milking stage, his big umbrella, and the mallet to set up the nets for the sheep pen, the tub for the milk, the anti-wolves collar and the “armaru,” a tree the shepherd put in the ground, on whose branches he put all the objects he needed to keep safe. Lo sgabello del pastore Un oggetto simbolo delle attività del pastore è lo sgabello, di forma quasi ellissoidale, nel cui sedile si incastrano tre piedi, uno dei quali, quello posteriore, lo trapassa interamente. Il pastore vi si sedeva sopra, ad altezza di pecora. 40