Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano/Routes into the History of Roviano Percorsi nella Storia di Roviano May 2017 | Page 30

arrivano per le varie messe al santuario e, dopo un’altra notte passata all’aperto, rientrano accolti trionfalmente in paese. Ogni compagnia elabora poi il proprio canto, che si mescola alla preghiera e al vociare dei turisti sempre più numerosi. The Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity The local pilgrimage takes place on 26 July. A chapel was built in honour of S. Anne in the late 19th century, very close to the main sanctuary. The pilgrimage is traditionally undertaken on foot. The people of Roviano split into groups on the afternoon of the 24th. Having walked all evening and camped out on the mountains overnight, continuing their journey the following morning, the pilgrims arrive for the various services held at the sanctuary. After another night spent outdoors, they return to the village for a triumphant reception. Each group writes its own chant, which mingles with the prayers and voices of the tourists who arrive in growing numbers. 29