PEONY MAGAZINE Jan. 2017 | Page 9

In our world where there are many voices that constantly tell you how to live, what to think, what you should do in life. There is so much noise, from the voices coming out of the television screen, the voices from the songs you play and listen to, the voices from your peers, your family, and your friends. There are so many voices that can muffle out that whispering voice that comes from within that you hear at times when life somehow finally stands still and greets you with silence. It is that voice that speaks of your dreams and desires. It is that voice that shows you endless possibilities to what you can achieve and enjoy in this life.

The world will tell you that your voice doesn’t mean anything. The world will show you that listening, doing, and following, without question, is the way. But what if you aren’t following your voice? What if you are following someone else’s voice? As your voice dims farther inward and the noises without in the world get louder, beckoning your attention and your devotion, you can’t help but wonder how life got so mundane. And why there’s a place in your heart that is still unfulfilled.

Take a moment to stop the noise. Close your laptops, turn off your phones, and shut the world off for a moment. Take a walk in the park, or perhaps sit alone to ponder. Let your voice come and tell your again about your dreams that need fulfillment. Let it lull you away to thoughts of magical possibilities. Be the advocate to your voice and let it have a place in your life. When your voice has the freedom to express itself, all the other nonsensical distractions in this world will fade and no longer take center stage. It will leave you wondering how you ever allowed the noise in the world to dim your voice out to begin with.

It is never too late to start listening.