Pennsylvania Nurse, Front Page 2017 Issue 1 | Page 12

Table 3 . Outcomes data from nurse-led centers
Quality Indicators Student nurse centered outcomes
Participant-centered outcomes
Nursing Center program outcomes
Community partner satisfaction
Methods of Measurement Student satisfaction Specific learning outcomes Faculty satisfaction Identification and management of health risks Delay in decline Changes in healthy behavior Chronic disease management / knowledge of self-care Numbers of participants Clinical services Participant satisfaction Ongoing needs assessments Satisfaction assessments Partnership collaboration
Institute of Medicine ( IOM ). ( 2012 ). For the public ’ s health : Investing in a healthier future . Retrieved from http :// books . nap . edu / openbook . php ? record _ id = 13268
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National Nurse-Led Centers Consortium ( 2017 ). Nurse managed health clinics in Pennsylvania [ Fact sheet ]. Retrieved from http :// nncc . us / policy / policy-education-center .
Ortman , J . M ., Velkoff , V . A ., & Hogan , H . ( 2014 ). An aging nation : The older population in the United States - Population estimates and projections . Retrieved October 5 , 2015 , from http :// www . census . gov / prod / 2014pubs / p25- 1140 . pdf
Resick , L . K ., Miller , M . E . T ., & Leonardo , M . E . ( 2015 ). Overview of nurse-managed wellness centers and wellness programs integrated into nurse-managed primary care clinics . In T . Hansen-Turton , S . Sherman , & E . S . King ( Eds .), Nurse-led health clinics : Operations , policy , and opportunities ( pp . 179-192 ). New York , NY : Springer .
Thompson , C . W ., Bucher , J . A ., & Bell , T . ( 2016 ). Lessons in retrospect : A proposal for home care agency integration of nurse managed wellness model of care . Home Health Care Management and Practice , 29 ( 1 ), 3-6 . doi : 10:1177 / 1084822316658471
Thompson , C . W ., & Bucher , J . A . ( 2013 ). Meeting baccalaureate public / community health nursing education competencies in nurse-managed wellness centers . Journal of Professional Nursing , 29 ( 3 ), 155-162 . doi : 10.1016 / j . profnurs . 2012.04.017
Dr . Mary Ellen T . Miller is a retired tenured associate professor at DeSales University . She holds certification in advanced public health nursing . For more than 25 years she has been a nurse educator and was formally an Independence Foundation of Philadelphia endowed chair . She is the director of the Lehigh Valley Affiliate of Bridging the Gaps , an interprofessional internship for health professions students . She has served as the chairperson of the Wellness Committee of the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium since 2010 .
Maureen E . Leonardo is a nurse practitioner and certified nurse educator with more than 25 years in academia planning and implementing educational programs . As a certified family NP , she has experience working with the older adult . In the last 17 years , her work has focused on health and wellness activities with the older adult . She leads a community-based wellness center and is its primary practitioner .
Dr . Lenore K . Resick is a professor emerita from Duquesne University School of Nursing and a fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and the American Academy of Nursing . During her tenure at Duquesne University , Dr . Resick was appointed the Noble J . Dick Endowed Chair in Community Outreach . Dr . Resick established the RN + WIN ( Retired Nurses Working in Neighborhoods ) program and continues to maintain an active nurse-led clinical practice with a focus on environmental health at Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project . She also serves on the board of directors of the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium .
Cheryl Thompson is an associate professor at York College of Pennsylvania and is coordinator of community health nursing . She oversaw the development of nurse-managed wellness centers in nine locations where students conducted their community health nursing course clinical .
Dr . Nancy Rothman is the Independence Foundation professor of urban community nursing in the Department of Nursing , College of Public Health of Temple University . She also serves as director ofcommunity based practices . She is a consultant to the Public Health Management Corporation Health Network . Dr . Rothman is a member of the governing board of the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium .
Dr . Andrea L . Mengel was a nursing professor and a retired director of the Nursing Department at Community College of Philadelphia . She also served as an Independence Foundation Chair . Dr Mengel passed away on February 2 , 2016 .
Issue 1 2017 Pennsylvania Nurse 10