Pennsylvania Nurse, Front Page 69(4) | Page 19

PSNA Updates Secretary (2) Dolores Minchhoff, District 16 Ellen Schauerman, District 09* Treasurer (1) Patrick Kenny, District 07* Board of Directors (4) Jay Thomas, District 03* Latasha Kast, District 06* Rebecca Modene, District 16 Rosemary Elliot, District 25 (Withdrew) Dara Whalen, District 01* Marcia Cook-Love, District 02* Cabinet on Nursing Practice & Professional Dev (3) Dawn Murr-Davidson, District 16 William Seybert, District 06 Julie Rogan, District 01* Sallie Frisina, District 09 Carolyn Meehan, District 23* Elaine Little, District 05 Laura Velasquez, District 15* Nominating Committee (3) Deborah Grippaldi, District 15* Suzanne Wurster, District 16* Debbie Stayer, District 27*(Chair) Mary Ann Picone, District 25 In Memoriam: Diane E. Barag, MSN, BS, RNC PSNA's 2012 Courage, Commitment & Compassion Award recipient, Diane Barag passed away on September 18, 2014. Diane was a beloved wife, devoted mother and inspirational colleague. A portion of Diane's nomination for the Courage award stated: After diagnosed with metaplastic breast cancer and undergoing chemo, Diane returned to work wearing her mask and a wig topped with an Eagles hat. After returning from blood transfusions or recovering from Nulasta, she never complained. Even during troubled times, Diane had her finger on the pulse of her unit – recognizing staff achievements, sitting with struggling families and being emotionally present for all patients. Diane smiles, she makes others laugh … and while she may not feel well, she is always living! She has taught us to care for our patients in such a real way by sharing her story so transparently with us. Thank you, Diane, for teaching by example! In Spring 2013, PSNA featured Diane as our Nurse Highlight. When asked if there was anything she'd like to share with readers, she stated: "I love being a nurse. You are always a nurse whether you are out to dinner, at a baseball game or walking the dog. As a nurse manager, I have always felt it necessary to “walk the talk.” My position as a leader is to listen, nurture, be available to the staff, initiate change and maintain the mission of the organization. Having a chronic disease is often a roller coaster of emotions. If it were not for the support of my colleagues and staff, I would feel so isolated. And what can I say about my family? They are my reason for living: my husband Don, my daughter Danielle, my son Marc and his new wife Maria, my sister Debie and my niece Nicole. I look into their eyes and know that I can go on. For their love I am eternally grateful." Winter 2014 Pennsylvania Nurse 17