Pennsylvania Nurse, Front Page 69(4) | Page 18

Call for Nominations Be a leader in your professional association by running for office. Whether it's a seat on the Board of Directors or a PSNA Committee, you can create change. The Call for Nominations runs April 1 through May 1. Nominations will be posted at www.psna. org and in a future issue of Front Line e-news update. OFFERED BY THE AMERICAN NURSES ASSOCIATION IT WAS A SIMPLE MISTAKE… We all make mistakes. But as a nurse, one mistake can lead to disaster. Consider this real-life example. A woman with recurrent kidney infections was admitted to a hospital in Pennsylvania. Her nurse inserted a PICC line in the patient’s right arm for antibiotic therapy. The patient subsequently complained of pain and numbness in her right arm, and the PICC line was removed 24 hours later. The woman filed a lawsuit, claiming that the placement of the PICC line damaged her right medial nerve. The damage caused paralysis of her right thumb and index finger, which had to be corrected with surgery. After the surgery, the patient continued to experience pain and numbness in her right hand and partial loss of use of her right arm. A jury awarded the plaintiff $927,000 in damages.1 It’s because of cases like this that the American Nurses Association (ANA) offers the Nurses Professional Liability Program. It protects nurses from the potentially devastating impact of malpractice lawsuits. Get the protection you need — without paying more than you need. To take advantage of special rates for ANA members, visit for an instant quote and to fill out an application. MALPRACTICE INSURANCE OFFERED BY THE ANA ANNUAL PREMIUM AS LOW AS $982 Protect yourself now! • Visit or call 800-503-9230. 1 2 Source: Zarin’s Jury Verdict Review & Analysis Please contact the program administrator for more information, or visit for a free quote. Underwritten by Liberty Insurance Underwriters Inc., a member company of Liberty Mutual Insurance, 55 Water Street, New York, NY 10041 64998 Copyright 2014 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved. Administered by: Mercer Consumer, a service of Mercer Health & Benefits Administration LLC Win \