Pennsylvania Nurse, Front Page 2017 Issue 1 | Page 14

Post-Test : Nurse-Led Wellness Center

CE : 1.0 contact hours
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1 . Oversight of nurse-led health clinics is done by : � a . Primary care physicians � b . Primary care nurse practitioners � c . Advanced practice nurses � d . Public health nurses
2 . What does it mean when a nurse-led wellness center is called a center without walls ?
� a . The center has not yet met accreditation standards .
� b . Nursing center staff travel into the community to address community health needs .
� c . Funding is not available to rent clinical space .
� d . Primary care services are easier to implement in the community .
3 . Services provided by nurse-led wellness centers include : � a . Health promotion � b . Disease prevention � c . Referrals to appropriate agencies , as needed � d . a , b , and c � e . a and b
Issue 1 2017 Pennsylvania Nurse 12
4 . Practice sites focusing on wellness rather than tertiary care are limited due to :
� a . Lack of reimbursement structures for most wellness services � b . Nursing faculty shortage � c . Geographic location � d . High turnover rates of wellness staff members
5 . Nurse-led wellness centers can provide meaningful clinical experiences for undergraduate students via student participation in : � a . Community health fairs � b . School-based screenings � c . Performing a community needs assessment � d . a , b , and c � e . a and b
6 . Essential VII : Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Optimizing Health from the supplement Public Health : Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for Public Health Nursing ( AACN , 2013 ) to the original AACN Essentials document , can be partially met by undergraduate nursing students when they :
� a . Investigate grant funding opportunities for the wellness center
� b . Practice evidence-based public health nursing to promote population health
� c . Perform a physical exam on an individual
� d . Attend professional conferences
7 . One challenge with undergraduate student assignments in nurse-led wellness centers is :
� a . Finding health promotion activities to engage students
� b . Promoting community partnerships
� c . Providing assignments that meet course learning outcomes for an entire clinical group of students
� d . Locating vulnerable populations in the community
8 . When planning , implementing , and evaluating undergraduate clinical activities in nurse-led wellness centers , center staff and nursing faculty must :