September/October 2018 | Page 14

G ove r n men t Re lat ions You don’t have to contribute all at once. You can contribute a smaller sum every month and at the end of the year you’ve made a truly significant contribution. It may be bumper sticker logic but it’s true – every little bit helps. Anything you can contribute makes a difference. You’ve devoted yourself to caring for others. Help us to care for you and your profession. If you have any questions about making a contribution to PADPAC, please contact John Basial at [email protected] or (800) 223-0016, ext. 108. You can also contribute online by visiting Our adversaries never sleep. PADPAC needs the resources to defeat them. Contribute today and build a stronger PAC so we have more imPACt. PADPAC has come a long way this year and with your help we can continue to build a better, stronger organization that serves you and your profession. Thank you for ALL your help! 12 SE P T E M B E R/OC TOBER 2018 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N AL