September/October 2017 | Page 34

Awa rds & A chievement s Connections Mentors Thank You Dr. Paul Bahn Dr. Joseph Breitman Dr. Denny Charlton Dr. Derek Conover Dr. Barry Darocha Dr. Daniel Dinse Dr. Charles Gemmi Dr. Jay Goldberg Dr. Jerry Gordon Dr. Andrew Gould Dr. Steve Iszkula Dr. Kevin Klatte Dr. Shari Leavitt Dr. George Lynch Dr. Mark Minichelli Dr. Janine Musheno Dr. Anu Nellissery Dr. Jason Pellegrino Dr. Cindy Schuler Dr. Michael Wolff Through Connections, dental students and new dentists can request mentors based on criteria like practice location, practice type and specialty. Mentors are contacted if they are a suitable match based on a menteeā€™s request. Enroll as a mentor or mentee now by visiting! Contact the Membership Department at (800) 223-0016 with any questions. 32 SE P T E M B E R/OC TOBER 2017 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N AL