September/October 2017 | Page 12

G ove r n men t Re lat ions Join PADPAC! As we gear up for the second year of this legislative session, it is critical that we maintain PADPAC’s standing as one of the top bi-partisan health care political action committees in Pennsylvania. It is through hard dollars (personal checks or personal credit cards) that our members, lobbyists, and staff can forge relationships with legislators. Through hard dollars, we can attend legislative receptions and golf outings and meet legislators and staff who determine the outcome of our legislative priorities. After a major election year, it is important to build our hard dollars in the lead up to the 2018 gubernatorial election. Five Reasons to Support PADPAC 1) PADPAC is one of the largest bi-partisan health care political action committees in Pennsylvania. If PDA members do not participate in advocacy efforts through PADPAC, we risk ceding control of legislative debates to other groups. PDA members must ensure dentistry has a unified voice in Harrisburg! 2) PADPAC contributions directly support electing candidates who are willing to work with us to create a viable practice environment for dentists in Pennsylvania. 3) There are many new members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly who are unfamiliar with PDA’s issues. PADPAC helps us build relationships with these new lawmakers, allowing us to educate them about the association, the valuable services we provide, our mission, and how we benefit our dentists, patients, and the overall quality of oral health care in Pennsylvania. 4) PADPAC delivers results! It’s through our advocacy efforts that PDA has built relationships that lead to successful legislative outcomes for dentists and their patients. We must continue to protect our profession and patients by supporting candidates who understand and support PDA. 5) The foundation for PADPAC is our members. It’s through PADPAC that members can join their peers in championing issues that directly impact the future of their profession. Please consider contributing to PADPAC today! To donate, visit or call (800) 223-0016. 10 SE P T E M B E R/OC TOBER 2017 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N AL