November/December 2018 | Page 53

C l a s sified A dve rt isem ent s MISCELLANEOUS Hands On Extraction Classes Learn advanced extraction techniques, elevating flaps, suturing, third molar removal, sinus perforation closure, using instruments properly and how to handle large abscesses and bleeding. Classes combine lecture and participation on live patients. Email: [email protected] or call (843) 488-4357. Website: SWAP DENTAL (A Facebook Group), South Western Area of Pennsylvania Dental Exchange, is a free cyber community site on Facebook. It provides dental professionals and their business partners a forum for the exchange of information to further their business relationships and the success of their businesses. For example, find permanent and temporary employees, look for buyers and sellers of dental practices and equipment. N OVEM BER/DECEM BER 2018 | P EN N SYLVAN IA DEN TAL JOURNAL 51