November/December 2018 | Page 22

State Board of Dentistry UPDATE The Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry (SBOD) is a separate and distinct entity within the Department of State’s Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA), authorized by the state legislature to regulate the dental community. It is comprised of eight dentists, a hygienist, an expanded function dental assistant, a representative each from the Attorney General’s Office and Department of Health, two public members and the BPOA Commissioner. SBOD duties and functions n Licenses dentists and hygienists. n Certifies expanded function dental assistants. n Issues permits to allow dentists and hygienists to administer various levels of anesthesia. n Investigates complaints made against licensees or certificate holders. n Suspends and revokes licenses and certificates when disciplinary action occurs. n Levies fines and penalties on licensees when disciplinary action occurs. n Supervises dentists, hygienists and EFDAs to insure compliance with licensure and certification requirements. n Develops standard of professional conduct, including continuing education requirements. n Promulgates regulations and policy statements to govern the dental profession. In 2019, the SBOD plans to discuss the following regulatory and policy statement proposals and will make decisions on whether or not to move them through the regulatory process: n n n n Application of teeth whitening products. Administration of botox. Requirements for volunteer licenses. Requirements for mobile dental vans. What else is on the near horizon? Offices within the Governor’s Administration are reviewing other draft regulatory proposals. Once published as proposed rulemaking in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, PDA and other stakeholders will have the chance to provide feedback and offer amendments. The House and Senate Licensure Committees and the Independent Regulatory Review Commission will also review these regulations and offer feedback to the SBOD. It may take two years or more for these regulations to take effect. Child abuse (draft regulations reflect recent amendments to the Child Protective Services Act). n General revisions (include AED requirement for all dental offices, requirement for EFDAs to pass a clinical exam). n Expanding public health dental hygiene practitioners (PHDHPs) practice site locations. n PDA is your advocate on State Board of Dentistry issues. Staff and volunteer members attend every meeting, track emerging trends and issues, and review and respond to all regulatory proposals. Would you like to attend a SBOD meeting and see what it’s all about? Contact the government relations staff at (800) 223-0016, or [email protected], for more information. 2019 State Board of Dentistry Meeting Dates J A N UA RY 18 M A R C H 15 M AY 17 J U LY 19 S E P T E M B E R 13 N O V E M B E R 15 20 NOV E M B E R/DE CE M BER 2018 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR NAL