January/February 2018 | Page 12

Your New ADA Trustee – Dr. Linda K. Himmelberger Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your ADA Trustee. Throughout my career I have endeavored to give back to the profession and to the organization that have given me so much. I am indeed humbled and honored that you have given me the chance to continue that service. As your next ADA Trustee, I am determined to make a difference for our profession and help you succeed in achieving your professional goals. The mission statement of the ADA is “helping all members succeed.” My first goal as your trustee is to be an effective voice on the board, advocating for those programs, policies and services that will help you succeed. The lack of “busyness,” or “how am I going to make a living in this changing environment?” is the critical challenge I see facing the profession and one which must be met with creativity and a resolute sense of purpose. One example of this is the members-only ADA Find-A-Dentist tool that was rolled out in April 2017. This is one piece of a campaign strategy that is designed to target consumers who can pay for a dental visit but have not visited a dentist regularly, and drive them to choose an ADA member dentist. The ADA will continue to analyze the response metrics to determine if this campaign is, in fact, resulting in increased busyness. Please be sure to update your online profile and provide me with feedback. Is this program helping you succeed? My second goal as your trustee is to serve as a conduit for information – advising you concerning programs that the ADA has to offer to help you succeed and asking you to give me your feedback – what services, programs, advocacy do you need from the ADA to help you succeed? What programs and services do you want and need that will give you value for your membership? I envision my term as your trustee as a partnership – with you letting me know what it is you need and me working my hardest to make it happen for you. I look forward to our information sharing. I will be posting updates on important ADA programs and initiatives through a blog on the PDA Social Network. Once per quarter, there will be an item in the eNews Update that will be linked to the blog. I also hope to visit district and local meetings so that I can learn firsthand about your challenges and your successes, and, importantly, get your feedback on what the ADA is doing right…and what the organization could do better! And, of course, you can contact me anytime at [email protected]. Again, it is my honor to serve you in Chicago. I look forward to helping you in any way that I am able. 10 JA NUA RY/F E B R UA RY 2018 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O U R N A L