PECM Issue 28 2017 | Page 94

Fluid Handling fluid handling *PYMH Fluid 'EVV]MRK Carrying *PI\MFMPMX] Flexibility 7[MZIP.SMRXW $UWLFXODWHG 7RUVLRQ 3LSHZRUN Articulated ,Q+RVHV Torsion Pipework In Hoses 5RWDWLQJ &\OLQGHUV Rotating Cylinders Swivel Joints 6ZLYHOMRLQWVDOORZSLSHZRUNWR URWDWHZKLOVWFDUU\LQJӿXLGXQGHU Swivel joints allow pipework to SUHVVXUHµWRµDQGEH\RQG rotate whilst carrying fluid under pressure 1/4” to 20” and beyond. 9DFXXPWRRYHUSVL Vacuum to over 6000psi. 6WRFNDQGEHVSRNHSURGXFWLRQ Stock and bespoke production. 8QLTXHEHDULQJVHDOGHVLJQIRU ORQJHUOLIH Unique bearing/seal design for longer life. ,62&(PDUNHG ZKHUHDSSOLFDEOH ISO 9001 CE marked where applicable. 7HO  01663 735003 Tel: 5RWDӿRZ)9/LPLWHG_5RWHF+RXVH (PDLO VDOHV#URWDӿRZFRP %LQJVZRRG7UDGLQJ(VWDWH Rotaflow FV Limited | Rotec House E-mail: [email protected] :KDOH\%ULGJH_+LJK3HDN_6./< Bingswood Trading Estate Whaley Bridge | High Peak | SK23 7LY ZZZURWDӿRZFRP Swivel joint design and manufacture from Rotaflow Labtex supplies Rotafl ow design and leading manufacture a range of including laboratory products swivels HUBER joints. liquid Swivel Joints temperature allow fl control uids to systems, be transferred DIEHM glass across rotating interfaces, reaction systems to 100 litres, without leakage. Simple single fl ow PREMEX and AMAR high units are used in pressure autoclaves, POPE many applications including wiped film or short path loading arms, articulated evaporators distillation pipework and hose and reelers. Some applications require systems, Nutsche filter dryers, articulated pipe work or hoses BOLA to allow fl uids; labware in such PTFE and as Hydraulic Power, Air other technical plastics, (pneumatic) control lines, or Vacuubrand vacuum pumps, mixed process fl uids to be ASECOS storage solutions used on moving machinery. for hazardous materials to The strong bearing area, of both ball bearings and needle 14470-1 and SICCO rollers, BS is EN complimented with a choice of sealing materials desiccators. for maximum application compatibility. Over the passed 30 years Rotafl ow have provided design solutions within many processing sectors. We also work with LLG 3rd largest lab Swivel Germany, joints will the allow the movement on a slowly rotating supplies distributor in Europe drum or remove the damaging eff ect of twisting on hoses. We manufacture in both carbon steel and 316 stainless and have a catalogue of steel with “specials” in any of metal brands. to suit customer 20,000 items from over grade 200 respected specifi cation - range of sizes from ¼” to 36” nominal bore. Tel: +44(0)1663 735003 Email: sales@rotafl www.rotafl 64 94 PECM Issue 28 PECM Issue 24 +XEHUKLJKSUHFLVLRQ OLTXLGWKHUPRUHJXODWLRQ IURPR&WRR&  /DEWH[KDYH\HDUV H[SHULHQFHRIVDOHVDQG VHUYLFLQJWKH+XEHUUDQJH  :HRIIHULPPHUVLRQ SUREHVEDWKFLUFXODWRUV ODERUDWRU\WKHUPRVWDWV KHDWLQJFLUFXODWRUEDWKV UHIULJHUDWHGFLUFXODWRUEDWKV 81,67$7K\GUDXOLFDOO\ VHDOHGFLUFXODWRUV DQG FKLOOHUV0RUHWKDQ PRGHOVZLWKFRROLQJDQG KHDWLQJFDSDFLWLHVIURP :DWWVXSWRN:DOORZ VFDOHXSIURPUHVHDUFK WRSURGXFWLRQ)LQGRXW PRUHDERXWRXUEHVWVHOOHUV PLQLVWDWŠXQLVWDWŠPLQLFKLOOHUŠ XQLFKLOOHUŠDQGURWDFRROŠZKLFKGH¿QHWKHVWDQGDUGV RIWHPSHUDWXUHFRQWUROWHFKQRORJ\ )RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVFRQWDFW/DEWH[RQ RUYLVLWZZZODEWH[FRXNWRVHHWKHUDQJH PTFE Fluid Handling from Bohlender Bohlender off ers a vast range of fi nished and semi fi nished products in technical and fl uoroplastics. A variety of diff erent materials like PTFE, FEP, PFA, PEEK and others enable innovative products to be produced with excellent chemical resistance and high thermal resistance. Screw joints and ground joint components, tubing and connectors allow an infi nite number of combinations to create sophisticated systems of fl uid transfer using standard laboratory bottles and containers. For distillation of strong acids or alkaline products BOLA manufactures reaction vessels up to 6 litre capacity in PTFE or PFA. All parts exposed to the medium are either made completely of PTFE/PFA or jacketed like the thermometers. The BOLA catalogue also includes a wealth of technical information on the materials used including physical properties and chemical resistance and the safe use and care of fl uoroplastic labware. Further advice on the pressure resistance of tubing and the correct choice for pressure or vacuum applications make the catalogue a useful reference.