PECM Issue 27 2017 | Page 47

Drives Gears & Motors Gears, Drives & Motors &URVV0RUVH 3RZHU7UDQVPLVVLRQ 0DQXIDFWXULQJ6SHFLDOLVWV 6LQFH ä 0DQXIDFWXULQJXSWRPPGLDPHWHU  ä 7XUQLQJ&1&ODWKHV9HUWLFDO0DFKLQLQJ&HQWUH  ä *HDU&XWWLQJ+REELQJ3ODQLQJ6KDSLQJ*HDUV  ä %HYHO*HDUV+HOLFDO([WHUQDO ,QWHUQDOFXW6SXU*HDUV  ä :RUPV :RUP:KHHOV  ä 5DFN6KDSLQJ%URDFKLQJ.H\ZD\LQJ  ä 9HUWLFDO%RULQJ&HQWUHOHVV 5RWDU\*ULQGLQJ  ä %RUH+RQLQJä,QGXFWLRQ+DUGHQLQJ  ä 'ULOOLQJ 7DSSLQJ  ä /DUJHVWRFNVRI7UDQVPLVVLRQ'ULYHFRPSRQHQWV  ä &$'&$0'HVLJQ 'HYHORSPHQW  ĂŶĞ͕'ƌĞĂƚĂƌƌ͘ŝƌŵŝŶŐŚĂŵ͘ϰϰϵhƐĂůĞƐΛĐƌŽƐƐŵŽƌƐĞ͘ĐŽŵdĞů͗нϰϰ;ϬͿϭϮϭϯϲϬϬϭϱϱ&Ădž͗нϰϰ;ϬͿϭϮϭϯϮϱϭϬϳϵǁǁǁ͘ƌŽƐƐDŽƌƐĞ͘ĐŽŵ PPMA Show Machining Chain Company Triples Capacity to Meet Demand Donghua Limited announces their relocation to a new building three and a half times the size of their previous facilities, to meet the growing demand for their products. Manufacturer of High Quality The UK arm of one of the world’s largest chain manufacturers has been established in the UK since 2009, doubling its turnover year on year to establish itself as one of the leading chain suppliers in the country. Located in Wolverhampton in the heart of the Midland’s historic chain industry, Donghua has moved to a larger building on the same industrial park which has minimised disruption for their customers. Bob Wellsbury, managing director, of Donghua Limited explained: “This move heralds a new chapter for the UK team and is a direct response to the continued interest from UK customers in our range of quality chain products. One of our biggest strengths is we only sell to Distribution and OEMs and do not supply direct to end-users, unlike other manufacturers.” Anti Vibration Products Email: sales@fi Visit: | Tel: 01282 878200 An additional, larger Kardex storage shuttle unit which holds half a tonne per tray has been installed alongside two existing vertical shuttle units, enabling Donghua to improve the storage and retrieval of small chain components. The technical Workshop, where Universal Attachment Chain and Bespoke Chain is assembled, is housed in a dedicated area of the building which has been further enhanced with the addition of equipment to wash old lubrication off chain before re-lubrication or inspection, plus an etching machine for sprockets. Further developments are planned for 2017. For more information visit, email sales@ or call 01902 866 200 Balluff Vision Identification Sensor Issue 27 PECM 47 Issue 23 PECM 69